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  • Libros | Jaime Juez

    PUBLISHED BOOKS TRADING FROM ZERO LEVEL: INITIATION Comprar Trading desde Zero >> Comprar la Trilogía completa >> The goal of this book is to teach you all the steps you need to trade and invest in the financial markets of stocks, currencies (forex), and cryptocurrencies. It is not a novel to read on the beach, it is a reference and study book where the written content is constantly complemented with videos, thanks to numerous QR codes that will take you to them, so that you can complement your information. In this book you will learn things like: What is a broker and how to become a broker. What it is, how it works and how much you earn by trading. What trading platforms to use. How to read stock charts. All types of positions. All types of orders. Stock market hours. How to master the risks of trading. How to calculate commissions. How to control your impulses. The most important trading indicators. More than 10 trading strategies. The best investment system, profitable and tested. FROM ANALYST TO TRADE INTERMEDIATE LEVEL Comprar De analista a trader >> Comprar la Trilogía completa >> This is a reference book, to support your decisions when trading and investing in the stock market. It is NOT a reading book. Hemain objective of this book is when you want to remember a concept, take the book, look for the page and watch the explanatory video. Hekey differentiating factor of this book is that it can be read, seen and listened to, since each of the topics has its corresponding explanatory video associated with it. This book is essential for anyone who wants to dedicate themselves to trading and investing in both the stock market and the financial markets. The main objective is to teach TECHNICAL ANALYSIS from an updated perspective regarding classical theory. TRADING FROM ZERO LEVEL: INITIATION Comprar Diario de un trader PRO >> Comprar la Trilogía completa >> The goal of this book is to teach you all the steps you need to trade and invest in the financial markets of stocks, currencies (forex), and cryptocurrencies. It is not a novel to read on the beach, it is a reference and study book where the written content is constantly complemented with videos, thanks to numerous QR codes that will take you to them, so that you can complement your information. In this book you will learn things like: What is a broker and how to become a broker. What it is, how it works and how much you earn by trading. What trading platforms to use. How to read stock charts. All types of positions. All types of orders. Stock market hours. How to master the risks of trading. How to calculate commissions. How to control your impulses. The most important trading indicators. More than 10 trading strategies. The best investment system, profitable and tested.

  • Conferencias | Jaime Juez

    PUBLISHED BOOKS No posts published in this language yet Once posts are published, you’ll see them here.

  • Todo sobre Jaime Juez | Jaime Juez

    JaimeJuez . Com Resume Published books PhD Thesis Verification Training Courses Track Record Collaborations My other profile Contact ⚠️EN CASO DE DUDA SOBRE MI IDENTIDAD, consulta perfiles verificados ✔️ (Instagram: @Juez_Jaime o Twitter @JaimeMJuez ). ❌ NO tengo cuentas secundarias. ❌ Nunca te escribiré un mensaje privado primero. ❌ Nunca te ofreceré invertir en ningún activo, empresa, criptomoneda... ❌ JAMÁS gestionaré tu dinero, eso es totalmente ilegal. Si algún perfil con mi foto lo hace, ES FALSO, notifícamelo

  • ⌂ | Jaime Juez

    JaimeJuez . Com Únete a mis grupos privados de Whatsapp y Telegram (Gratis) Hazte Alumno Premium >> Resume Published books PhD Thesis Verification Training Courses Track Record Show More ⚠️EN CASO DE DUDA SOBRE MI IDENTIDAD, consulta perfiles verificados ✔️ (Instagram: @Juez_Jaime o Twitter @JaimeMJuez ). ❌ NO tengo cuentas secundarias. ❌ Nunca te ofreceré invertir en ningún activo, empresa, criptomoneda... ❌ JAMÁS gestionaré tu dinero, eso es totalmente ilegal. Si algún perfil con mi foto lo hace, ES FALSO, notifícamelo a @Juez_Jaime


    PERFILES Y WEBS VERIFICADOS ⚠️ EN CASO DE DUDA, consulta perfiles verificados ✔️ (Instagram: @Juez_Jaime ). ❌ Cualquier perfil, web, correo, teléfono o similares que no esté recogido aquí ES FALSO . Redes sociales oficiales @Juez_Jaime @Juez_Jaime_Oficial @JaimeMjuez @CursoTradingGratis ❌ No hay cuentas secundarias. ❌ Nunca te escribiré MD primero. ❌ Nunca te ofreceré invertir en algo. ❌ No gestionaré tu dinero. Grupos oficiales TELÉFONO E EMAIL ☎️ +34 686 16 31 99 📧 📧 📧 Webs oficiales m ❌ Si la dirección de correo no proviene de estas webs, ES FALSO. ❌ Si tras hacer click en algún enlace te lleva a otra web que no sean estas, ES FALSO.

  • Track record | Jaime Juez

    PUBLISHED BOOKS TRADING SYSTEM (AUDITED) I TEACH YOU HOW TO GET IT FUND 1 - RISK PROFILE: Intermediate - START: 2020. - Pause in 2021. - Resumption: 2022 - Management: More details FUND 2 - RISK PROFILE: Daring. - STRATEGY: Multi-currency in Forex. - START: 2022 More details FUND 3 (Funding Test) ​ DEMANDED REQUIREMENTS: - Profitability: +10% - Duration: 90 days max - Max DrawDown: - 12% More details FUND 4 - RISK PROFILE: Intermediate - MANAGED CAPTIAL: $100,000 - START: February 2023 More details FUND 5 - RISK PROFILE: Low - STRATEGY: P.Sar (modified) - START: February 2023 More details CUENTA 6 - PERFIL RIESGO:bajo. - INICIO: 2020. - ESTILO: Swing-trading (automático) I TEACH YOU HOW TO GET IT

  • BIO | Jaime Juez

    JaimeJuez . Com 📃 Curriculum ‍📈 CURSOS TRADING 📚 LIBRO 1: Trading desde Zero 📚 LIBRO 2: De Analista a Trader ‍👱‍♂️ Conferencias 📊 Track Record 🤝 Colaboraciones ⚠️EN CASO DE DUDA SOBRE MI IDENTIDAD, consulta perfiles verificados ✔️ (Instagram: @Juez_Jaime o Twitter @JaimeMJuez ). ❌ NO tengo cuentas secundarias. ❌ Nunca te ofreceré invertir en ningún activo, empresa, criptomoneda... ❌ JAMÁS gestionaré tu dinero, eso es totalmente ilegal. Si algún perfil con mi foto lo hace, ES FALSO, notifícamelo a @Juez_Jaime


    MÉTODO JUEZ Sistema Trading Pentode Aprende a operar como un Trader Rentable Mira esta clase introductoria gratuitamente y aprenderás 4 cosas: 1. Por qué el trading de 2024 es distinto a los años anteriores. 2. Sistema de trading PENTODE (resultados auditados). 3. Ventajas de aplicar el sistema. 4. Por qué esta oportunidad te cambiará la vida. PROMOCIÓN -78% (Hasta el 25 Abril) INSCRIPCIÓN Pago único) INSCRIPCIÓN (Financiado) LA FORMACIÓN INCLUYE ✅ Acceso inmediato a formación grabada. ✅ Clases en directo cada 15 días . ✅ 15 días prueba (sin compromiso). ✅ Resolución dudas (con mención). ✅ Videos exclusivos (las claves que marcan la diferencia entre ganar y perder, y que jamás encontrarás en youtube). ✅ Ejercicios prácticos. ✅ Correcciones y dudas. ✅ Practicas tiempo real (auditoría). ✅ Examen final. ✅ Título propio. ✅ Acceso plataforma (ilimitado) ✅ Acceso a futuros nuevas clases. BONUS ⭐ Resumen libros Trading. ⭐ 3 Master Class. ⭐ Indicadores y Sistemas Trading Automático. ⭐ Curso Cuentas de Fondeo. ⭐ Curso Trading algorítmico. ⭐ Curso Criptomonedas. REGALOS 🎁 Nuevo libro. 🎁 Diario trading PRO. PROMOCIÓN -90% FORMACIÓN + BONUS + REGALOS INSCRIPCIÓN Pago único) INSCRIPCIÓN (Financiado) PARA MÁS INFO CONTACTA CON MI EQUIPO ☎️ +34 686 163 199 – 📧 - 💻 Solicitar Reunión ​

  • Currículum | Jaime Juez

    PUBLISHED BOOKS Doctoral student in economics and business, with a thesis focused on the efficiency of financial markets and the efficiency of cryptocurrencies. In addition, teaching classes for the Master in Finance and the MBA de Aie Business School , and directing the rest of the financial advisory training programs taught by this Business School. ​ At the same time teaching how to invest in financial markets through my YouTube channel Free trading course. ​ I define myself as an entrepreneur, since since I was young I have sought that my profession is highly linked to my two passions, finance and sports. Hence, the first two projects I developed were (sports) and (finance). If I had to decide on a single profession, my ideal job is teaching and working with people who want to learn. As a good entrepreneur I am always open to new projects and collaborations. CAREER UNIVERSITY EDUCATION 2021 - Current GENERAL MANAGER AND PROFESSOR. Aie Business School. Currently teaching the Master in Business Management MBA at AiE Business School, and directing the rest of the financial advisory training programs taught by this Business School. 2021 PUBLISHED BOOK. "Trading from Zero". In this book you can learn step by step how to invest in stocks, forex and cryptocurrencies. SEE BOOK >> 2020 - 2021 MBA PROFESSOR. Economist & Jurist School. During the 2020-21 academic year I worked as a tenured professor of the Master in Business Administration (MBA) at the Economist & Jurist School of business. 2020 PUBLISHED BOOK. "From Analyst to Trader". In this book you can learn how to understand trading charts and gain a statistical advantage when investing in the stock market. SEE BOOK >> 2017-2020 FINANCIAL ADVISOR. OVB Vermögensberatung. Directing, leading and motivating a team of between 3 and 12 financial advisors. 2018 INVESTMENT DIRECTOR. Crypto Financial SL I directed the investment department of Cripto-financial. 2018 was a black year in cryptocurrencies, while its price plummeted by more than -75%, we only lost -6%, but since I am the director and head of the team, I could not continue. Although I think the result was not bad... 2015 - Present CEO Broker Junior Academy. This year I founded from London, my trading school called and it is still running. 2012 - Present PRESIDENT. Zona De Meta In 2012, we decided to found a serious club called Club Triatlón Zona De Meta which I currently run. 2010 - Present TRADER. Independent. In 2010 I started my training, although it was not until 2012 when I started investing in shares, Derivatives and currencies. Currently I only have time for swing-trading operations punctually 2022 - Present DOCTORAL STUDENT ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS. National Distance Education University. I am currently doing a doctorate in economics and business, where I will focus my doctoral thesis on emerging financial markets. 2022 MASTER BLOCKCHAIN, DECENTRALIZED FINANCE AND CRYPTO. National University Distance Education. 1. Money and Cryptocurrencies. The Origins of Bitcoin 2. The Disruption of Blockchain Technology 3. Main Cryptocurrencies 4. Purchase and sale of Cryptocurrencies. Exchanges and Wallets 5. Cryptocurrency Investment Techniques 6. Smart Contracts 7. Applications of Smart Contracts. ICOs and DAOs 8. The Decentralized Finance Revolution. Main Projects 9. Taxation and Regulatory Framework of Cryptocurrencies 10. Risks and Challenges of Cryptocurrency 2022 MASTER BLOCKCHAIN AND WEB3 BUSINESS. Founderz. Master focused on the potential of blockchain technology, metaferso, NFTS, gamefi, mining, CBDC, tax regulation, etc. 2021 MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION. King Juan Carlos University. MBA focused on all aspects necessary to manage the senior management of multinationals and large companies. 2016 FINANCIAL ADVISOR AND PRIVATE BANKING. IEB Specialization program in financial advice and private banking, qualifying to practice the profession of financial advisor. 2015 DEGREE IN ADMIN. AND BUSINESS MANAGEMENT. King Juan Carlos University. University degree in Business Administration and Management. 2010 EXPERT IN PROJECT MANAGEMENT. National Distance Education University. Specialization program in business project management.

  • Blog | Jaime Juez

    All Posts Log in / Sign up No posts published in this language yet Once posts are published, you’ll see them here.

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